Yes. If the account you lost was synced with Facebook, you can restore your progress by doing the same with your new account and agreeing to load the previous settings. If the lost account was not synced, please do so with the new one and contact the Support Team to have your progress restored.

Here’s how to do it step-by-step:

1. Install the game

2. Go to “Social” section
3. Select the 'Facebook Bonus! +500K' button:
4. If the account information matches the one you wish to restore, choose 'YES, load game':
In case you previously did not sync your account with Facebook, you’ll have to contact our Support Team. Be prepared to provide us with the following information that will help us locate your lost account:
  • Your Player ID (if you know it) or exact Account Name
  • Your approximate level and chip amount
  • The exact name of the Club you were in (if you were)
  • Account name of any other user in your Club.
Our Support Agents will guide you through the process and you’ll be able to enjoy the game again!