Rogue Land Story
The World of Rogue Land
ROGUE LAND is an unusual curved world travelling through space, inhabited by humans and unique monsters. This curved world has also another ...
Chaos and Order
FROM WHAT the old scholars were able to discover, it’s believed that the world was created when the Star of Order and Star of Chaos collided...
Elemental Moons
THE FOUR moons seemed to transfer the fundamental forces differently. Through them, the force of Chaos seemed to manifest as fire force, ice...
Rise of Chaos
THE GROUND had shaken the way it had never shaken before. As the moons glowed bright, icebergs cracked loudly and volcanoes erupted, an unkn...
Ancestors of Heroes
THIS WORLD had clairvoyant residents who knew more than others - mystics. They had visions of the future. But a gift of seeing comes with tr...
Heroes before the rise of Chaos
BEFORE CHAOS was unleashed, these grandchildren of the Alliance were living a simple life. Raised away from the society, they hadn’t learned...
Spirit Guides
There is a secret in the world that is well concealed - healing powers and guidance that can come from the other side. There are two types o...
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