There is a secret in the world that is well concealed - healing powers and guidance that can come from the other side.

There are two types of spirit guides in this world - the ones who have departed and reached unity with Chaos when they lived, and those who are purely made of Order - fairies or who some also call “mother spirits”.

Mother spirits accept all living beings and hope to heal them. They are transformers of the cosmic energy that have the ability to take small amounts of force of Chaos and shift it to the frequency that people need and stand. Fairies act as the divine channellers of that energy.

Water is the life source energy for the Mother Spirits. They like to live near it and simply exist laying in the water. The water pools are like wombs for them, and can’t exist without them.

They can try to travel a little bit further from the pools, but always carry a magical water mirror with them, that helps them reach into their life force and channel energy through it. Mother Spirits are purely made of Order. While they know how to shift the frequency of Chaotic energy, they could be easily killed in a fully chaotic environment. They always need a protective field around them so Order doesn’t get disturbed.