FROM WHAT the old scholars were able to discover, it’s believed that the world was created when the Star of Order and Star of Chaos collided.

It is speculated that these two stars contained fundamental forces that were the energy field connecting everything in the universe in a dualistic way.

From the impact emerged also the moons of the world.

Over time, the interaction of these energies formed the ecosystem of the world and all the living creatures in it. All four moons seemed to manipulate the dualistic force in their own way. Over time, each of them radiated a unique version of the fundamental energies.

While Order is believed to exist, there have not been any clear signs of it. To this day Order remains a very unknown force to the inhabitants. However the influence of Chaos has been acknowledged and experimented by priests and unofficial mages. It is hard to contain and often out of control.

Chaos and Order were the basis for many religious organizations. For the energies to stay in balance, priests perform rituals to please the gods and hoping to manage Chaos.

Some theorize that maybe instead of a god, force of Order exists within all the intelligent inhabitants. It is also speculated that some of the energy of Chaos can be found in the blood of some inhabitants.