Q: What are Offers?
A: Offers are limited time offers that change based on your progression.

Q: What are Deals?
A: Under “Deals” there are Daily & Weekly Deals that refresh daily / weekly. There are also Free
Daily & Weekly Deals so remember to claim them.

Q: What are Packs?
A: Under “Packs” there are different Gem pack sales. In addition you can buy Coins from there
with Gems.
Q: What is the usage for Coins?
A: Coins are an universal currency that is used for leveling up Heroes, Hero Abilities and
upgrading Gear.

Q: What is the usage for Gems?
A: You can use the Gems for buying Coins from the in-game store, purchasing more Energy,
and for Minigames under “Events”. During gameplay, you can use gems to Revive and to buy
Skills from the Fairy.