What is the EU Digital Services Act (DSA)?

The EU Digital Services Act is a legislative framework proposed by the European Union to update and enhance regulations on digital services. Addressing illegal content aims to create a safer and more accountable online environment.

The DSA focuses on several key objectives such as:

- Ensuring online safety by combating illegal content.

- Increasing transparency and accountability of digital services.

- Protecting fundamental rights of users.

Illegal Content under DSA - for users in European Union

How to report Illegal Content?

Users located in the European Union can report Illegal Content via Player Support directly through the game's automated support system or via our web Huuuge Games Support Portal or via e-mail support@huuugegames.com

It’s important that you include in your report the following information, so we can act accordingly:

-       explain clearly why you deem the content is illegal,

-       specify the location and details of the allegedly illegal content, e.g.  the exact URL(s) (if applicable) or other information to identify illegal content such as screenshots.

-       provide us with your name and e-mail address, except where the illegal content refers to offences concerning children sexual abuse, child pornography or similar,

-       state that your report is done in a good faith, accurate and complete.

What is Illegal Content?

Illegal content that potentially may occur e.g. in our chat or club, content provided by our users, as defined by the EU Digital Services Act (DSA), includes information that does not comply with EU law or specific national laws within the EU. Illegality of the content can also originate from the principles of social coexistence.

Here are some examples that may help you understand what content may be deemed illegal by us if reported:

1. Hate Speech

Content that includes incitement to violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other characteristics protected under EU law.

2. Terrorism-related Content

Content that promotes, supports, or incites terrorist activities or provides instructions for making explosives, weapons, or other dangerous substances.

3. Child Sexual Abuse Material

Any material that depicts the sexual exploitation or abuse of children, including images, videos, or written content.

4. Counterfeit Goods

Listings for the sale of counterfeit goods that infringe on intellectual property rights, such as fake branded clothes, electronics, or pharmaceuticals.

5. Fraudulent Schemes

Content that promotes scams or fraudulent activities, including phishing schemes, pyramid schemes, and deceptive financial services.

6. Drugs and Illicit Substances

Content that sells, offers, or promotes the use or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances.

7. Defamation and Invasion of Privacy

Content that unlawfully defames individuals or invades their privacy, including unauthorized sharing of personal data, images, or videos.

8. Incitement to Self-Harm

Content that encourages or instructs individuals to self-harm or commit suicide.

It's important to note that the definition of illegal content can vary based on specific national laws within the EU.

9. Cyberstalking

Using of digital communication tools to harass, intimidate, or threaten someone. It often involves repeated, unwanted contact, monitoring, or the spread of harmful information.

Remember that the content or conduct highlighted above is only an illustration.

How do we act in cases of Illegal Content?

We will investigate and act accordingly to prevent Illegal Content in the following cases:

-       when we receive report from a user,

-       when we receive report form an authority,

-       when we detect the Illegal Content by ourselves via our human reviewers or potentially when we employ automatic tools to moderate content.

We have the right to impose the following restrictions on the user that disseminates Illegal content: removal of the content, temporary blocking (mute) the services for the user, suspension and/or termination of the services, prohibition of the future access to our services. Please also consult Section 13 of our Terms of Use for more information about conduct and prohibited use.

Upon implementation restriction on the user disseminating Illegal Content, we will provide the statement of reasons.

Users that do not agree with the restrictions imposed by us as a result of the above procedure have the right to file a complaint through the game's automated support system or online at Huuuge Games Support Portal. Please provide all the details regarding your complaint against the restrictions imposed by us as a result of this procedure so we are able to review it accordingly. Please also consult Section 15 of our Terms of Use for more information about complaints.

Where can I find more information on the DSA?

For more detailed information, visit the official [European Commission DSA webpage](https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/digital-services-act_en ) or consult with legal experts specializing in EU digital regulations.

 Single point of contact for authorities and users in DSA matters

Huuuge has established an electronic point of contact for direct communication with the authorities of the Member States, the European Commission, and the Digital Services Board: support@huuugegames.com. Users can also use this contact for swift and direct communication with Huuuge regarding any DSA issues. Please refer clearly to DSA and provide us with as many details as possible so we can act accordingly.

All communication with the point of contact should be conducted in English.

Transparency report

We will periodically, at least once a year, publish transparency reports about our content moderation activities in compliance with DSA.