Player panel
When you are on the table simply press another player icon to unwrap interaction panel.
To mute a Player, please tap that Player's avatar and at the bottom of the Player's profile, there is a 'Mute' button.
Once you muted a Player, the button changes to 'Unmute'. To unmute the Player you need to find him in a game or lobby and tap the 'Unmute' button which is located in the same place.
Report Photo (avatar)
Huuuge games cares about players and will not tolerate any harassment, racism or any other wrong behavior. To do so, any player can report any avatar of other player if he/she thinks that it shouldn't be posted as an avatar. It can be done only one time per one player. When that happens, our agents gets a message with this info. They can take a look on the reported avatar and make a decision whether is it an appropriate or not. If yes, he can leave it like it is. If not agents will change player avatar into a proper one.
How to send gifts
To send gifts, please tap your friend's avatar and click the 'Gift' button:
Choose gift you want to send your friend.
Please tap 'Buy one' button to buy and send a gift to your friend or 'Buy Round' to gift everyone at the slot or table. Remember that icons are a just visual representation of gift you gave.
How to send another player thumbs up
To send Player a Like, tap his/her avatar and click 'Like'. You can do this every hour
How to add a player to your friends list
To add a player as your friend, while being at the same game table. Tap on his/her avatar and choose 'Connect' from the interaction panel.